
February 13, 2013

Perfect Guacamole

Guacamole is a dip made from Avocado, is orginally from Mexico.I love to try different types of fruit.When i saw this first time i shlould say i wasnt impressed with the raw avocado,no clue on how shlould i prepare it .After much experitments and googling , i was happy with this dip.This dip should be bit chunky.It taste great on its own , best served with tortilla ,wraps etc.
   Avocado mixed with salt ,made into paste can be used as a spread for bread , very healthy .You can try that variation also.You can spice it up adding more chillies .


  1. Avocado - 2
  2. Red Onion - 1 ,small , chopped
  3. Tomato - 1 ,small , chopped
  4. Green Chilly - 1 , small , chopped
  5. Pepper Powder - 1/2 tsp
  6. Coriander leaves - 1 string , chopped finely
  7. Salt as needed
  8. Lemon Juice - 1/2 tsp


  1. Prep the Avocado(How to peel an Avocado).
  2. In a bowl add the avocado , you can either chop into small pieces ,or mash it with a fork .
  3. Add onion ,tomato ,green chilly , pepper powder ,lemon juice ,salt and corinader and give it a stir.
  4. Serve immediately with tortilla chips .
  5. Add the tomatoes when you are going to serve  later.

Linking to Co-hosted by FoodTreasures  for Mexican Cuisine event Hosted by Julie of ErivumPuliyum.

Linking to Saras Kitchen  for Dish in 30minutes Soups & Salads


  1. wow wat an idea of serving guacamole in avocado shell .. lovely ... i like the first pic which makes a heart shape. nice presentation dear :)

  2. thanks manjula , when u said only i figured out the heart .thanks for u r lovely comments.

  3. Super delicious dip... Lovely clicks and lovely presentation Meena :)

  4. my favorite dip and love the presentation.

  5. Wow...this recipe is very new me....but looks very cute...nice presentation.... :-)

  6. Totally totally agree.. That is the perfect guacamole. Perfect presentation too.

  7. Wow! That guacamole looks delicious!

  8. Honestly, I don't much like Mexican food!!! But I love this dip... A perfect spread for any veggie wrap :)
