
January 15, 2013

Kalkandu Pongal

                               I made Sakkarai pongal in pressure cooker.I wanted to try this version of cooking in the pot and moreover i wanted to try  kalkandu pongal ,so made very little .I liked the taste ,it was yummy.If you want it to be more sweet you can add another half cup of quarter cup more.It is quite easy to prepare this pongal ,if you cook in medium flame you can do other kitchen works too.Do try this you will definitely like it .

Cooking Time : 30min.
Serves : 2 


  1. Rice - 3/4 cup
  2. Yellow Moong Dhall - 1 tbsp
  3. Milk - 1 cup
  4. Water - 5 cup
  5. SugarCandy - 1 1/2 cup
  6. Ghee - 2 tbsp
  7. Cashew nuts - 5nos
  8. Raisins - 6 nos
Method :
  1. Wash the moong dhall and rice .
  2. In a pot add a cup of milk , when it boils add the water.
  3. When  the water boil , add the  the washed rice and dhall.
  4. Cook in medium flame for 20min , till the rice is cooked completely.
  5. If the rice is not cooked properly and water is less , you can add 1 or 2 cup of water and cook .
  6. When it is completely cooked, add the sugar candy and mix it well with the rice ,
  7. The sugar candy will  it get mixed well in the heat , so no need to powder and mix it.
  8. Cook it for another 5min.
  9. In a another pan , add ghee ,add the cashew nuts and raisins
  10. When raisins puff and cashew turns golden brown add it to the cooked pongal.
  11. It is very yummy .

 Linking this recipe to 
Sara's Kitchen -Dish in 30min event 
Gayathri's - WTML event.
Shree's  - Hot Beverages and Dessert event  , Saras Tasty Buds - Anniversary event.



  1. thank you for linking , add the event logo and link to your sidebar

  2. very useful really good information thanks for posting such a good information it will hepls the people a lot keep it up , Regards,
    chakkara pongal recipe
