
January 18, 2013

Granny Smith Apple Pickle

Granny Smith Apple is green in color and it is quite tart like raw mango , i had just one apple left .So i tried this .You too can try in any tart apple.You will really like it .


  1. GreenApple - 1 ,peeled and chopped finely
  2. Red chilly Powder - 2 tsp
  3. Turmeric Powder - a pinch
  4. Hing - 2 pinch 
  5. Salt as needed
  6. Oil - 2 tbsp


  1. Heat oil in the pan ,add mustard seeds ,let it splutter.
  2. Add the chopped apples and saute it for 2min ,till their cooked.
  3. Add red chilli and turmeric powder ,salt , hing and saute it ,till the raw smell goes.
  4. Serve with curd rice ,it is yummy.
  5. You can add more oil ,if you want , i added only less as i dont want to store for  a long time. 
  6. Adjust the chilli according to the tartness of the apple.


  1. I never heard of apple pickle. Will try soon. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  2. do try it and tell me how it turned out

  3. Wow! Good. I prepare it the same way too. Got the idea from a Kerala restaurant here. Yours look good.

  4. thanks for your lovely comments.

  5. Nice recipe.gonna try it.glad to follow you.
