
January 19, 2013

Egg Kothu Chappathi

Chappathi with a side dish is always boring .So ,i just made a simple twist and made it a egg kothu chappathi .Kids will also like it.It is good on its own , if you want you can have it with onion raita.


  1. Left Over chappathi - 3 , torn into pieces
  2. Big Onion - 1 , finely chopped
  3. Tomato - 1,small chopped
  4. Egg - 1
  5. Curryleaves - 5nos
  6. Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
  7. Chilli Powder - 1 tsp
  8. Coriander Powder - 1/3 tsp
  9. Garam Masala Powder - 1/4 tsp
  10. Salt as needed
  11. Oil - 2 tbsp

 Ground mixer

  1. Small onion - 3 nos
  2. Pepper - 1/4 tsp
  3. Jeera - 1/4 tsp
  4. Green chilly - 2 nos 
  5. Saunf - 1/4 tsp
  6. Ginger - 1 small piece
  7. Garlic - 2 pod
Grind it in the mixer without water.


  1.  Heat oil in pan add the onions and saute it till translucent.
  2.  Add the ground mixture and saute for 1 min
  3. Now add the tomato and saute it ,add all the powder and saute it .
  4. Add the torn chappathi ,and mix it well
  5. Close it with lid for 5min,in simmer flame
  6. Crack one egg on the chappathi mixture and mix it well
  7. When the egg gets cooked add the chopped coriander and serve it .



  1.  You can add two eggs if you like ,i wanted to be little light so made with one egg.
  2. After adding egg just give one stir, if you keep on stirring ,the egg will become very small pieces.
  3. This is medium spice , do increase the spice to your liking.
Linking this recipe to SimplySensationFood - Healthy event.


  1. Love kothu chapathi :) I make this very often with leftover chapatis..Looks yummy :)
    Fruit Salad With Custard | Custard Fruit Salad

  2. Interesting recipe.....will try this recipe soon :-)

  3. Hi,

    While searching for some dish I got redirected to your Blog. I found this really interesting and would be a regular visitor here after.This one is really interesting with left over chapati's...nice idea..will try this some time

    Sometimes, do visit my blog too.

