
March 16, 2013

Pasta with Veg Bolognese Sauce


My Kids love pasta , i have tried different version,they liked the homemade sauce version.I bought a bottle of Dolmio Pasta sauce and used it.I added zucchini and peppers.Zucchini or Courgette added a flavor to the dish,i wouldn't miss it ,if it is available.I have used different pasta ,but i like the spiral one as it gets cooked soon and it had a good coat of sauce on it.Olive oil is best ,it really lifts the dish to the next level..All ingredients can always be substituted but if u get hold on these things ,give it a try,u will definitely like it a lot.I just wanted just a coating on the pasta ,feel free to increase the sauce to your desire.

It is an ideal lunch box meal for kids,they will really enjoy it.You can top it with cheese if you want to ...
Serves : 2
Duration : 20min.


  1. Pasta-1 cup
  2. Garlic chopped - 1 pod
  3. Zucchini-1 /2 cup,diced
  4. GreenPepper-1/2 cup,diced
  5. Pasta Sauce-1/2 cup (Dolmio sauce for bolognese )
  6. Tomato Ketchup- 1 tsp
  7. Salt as needed
  8. Olive oil- 2 tbsp
  1. Cook the pasta according to the pack instructions al-dente.
  2. Heat oil in a pan,add the garlic and let it fry for few sec,let it not get brown.
  3. Add the diced vegetables and cook for 2min.
  4. Then add the sauce ,tomato ketchup and 1/4tsp salt,let it cook for 2min.
  5. Now add the cooked pasta and give it a stir ,that the sauce coats the pasta.
  6. Leave it in medium flame for 2min.
  7. Serve it hot or cold.

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  1. Simple recipe. A gorgeous way to eat up the whole thing.

  2. wow lovely shot and delicious pasta :)

  3. what is that drink? i want that too with this delicious pasta.

  4. Lovely way of making a lovely simple dish. We are not much into pasta but we also don't mind enjoying it from time to time. Great recipe and worth the try for me.

  5. Mouthwatering and yumoooooo.. Lovely clicks too.

  6. Hi, This is my first time to your blog, You have wonderful collection of recipes.
    Beautiful and mouthwatering dish. I am happy to follow you.

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  8. Wonderful pasta i love it alot. Thanks for posting such an nice and awesome recipe which i love. Great post. Then click for food.

  9. Love pasta.. Full of nutrition Meena :-)
