
January 24, 2013

Mini Ghevar with Rabdi

        This is my first post in the SNC challenge event conducted by Divya of Youtoocancookindianfood.    When i saw January month SNC challenged   by Manjula of Northern Team for January was Ghevar with Kesar Rabdi, i was very sure i wouldnt do it .It was too tricky and more calories,so i thought i might skip.Manjula  has given a commendable job in giving detailed description and pictorial in her  blog DieFiesta.
      Ghevar  , it was an impossible mission for me,i was too scared to try it.I was inspired when the fellow bloggers actively participated in the event, i thought let me try too, wow , i am happy i tried .This is such a amazing dessert that you should have definitely once.
    I liked the ghevar on its own, it was so crunchy and melted in the mouth.I made the rabdi it just tasted heaven no words to say .I didnt try it with sugar syrup as it is too sweet for us.Do try it guys , you will definitely like it  you can reduce the sugar if you want.


For Ghevar

  1. Maida - 5 tbsp
  2. Water - 3/4 cup ,it should be runny consistency do add if you need more
  3. Ghee - 2 1/2 tsp
  4. Saffron - soaked in 1 tbsp of milk.
  5. Oil for frying

For Rabdi

  1. Milk - 3 cups
  2. Condensed milk - 1 can
  3. Sugar
  4. Cardamom Powder - 1/2 tsp
  5. Pistachios - 4 crushed
  6. Saffron - 1/2 tsp


  1. Sift maida in the bowl , add the ghee and mix it well.
  2. Add the saffron soaked in the milk and  water and stir it well , careful not to form lumps.
  3. The Batter should be running consistency.
  4. Take a deep round flat bottomed vessel .When the oil is hot,start pouring in the batter from quite a height.
  5. The batter starts to spread dont panic,add little by little.
  6. Reduce the flame and let it cook golden .(No need to flip)
  7. Take from the oil and keep in the tissue paper that the oil gets absorbed.

Rabdi Preparation

  1. In a vessel grease the bottom with butter or ghee.
  2. Add the milk and cook it till it reduces to half.
  3. Now add the pistachios , saffron and cardamom  powder.
  4. Add the condensed milk and give it a stir .When it boils remove from flame and cool down.
  5. Refrigerate .

For Serving

  When serving top the ghevar with the rabdi and topped with some nuts of your choice and serve immediately .

  1. Ghevar ,Rabdi  can be made ahead.
  2. Use heavy bottomed Kadai , bec the oil tends to come to top , which is quite a risk.
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  1. Wow that was an awesome work Meena :) Looks like you have enjoyed it :) Good work dear!!

  2. Looks yummy n delicious...tempting!!!

  3. Kudos meena dear :) am so very glad that you ppl like this heavenly delight :) and your ghevar really came out very well dear :) looks so delicious .. tempting me to make another batch :)

  4. Yep it's not that hard. Looks perfect.

  5. Yep it's no that hard. Looks perfect

  6. Yummy Meena....will try soon...:-)


  7. looks delicious meena

  8. thanks guys for your are truly motivating to do more.

  9. Wow! Lovely pictures.Looks Yummy..

  10. Droolworthy ghevar, wish to have some rite now,very tempting.

  11. what lovely and yummy sweet:)
    Love the pictures!!

  12. wow looks perfect just dreaming about it..hope i should get it this perfect

  13. i did not comment here? hmm how did i miss it

    u hv done the challenge very well dear

  14. Perfectly done ghevar. Hope you enjoyed this delicious dessert.

    today's recipe:
